Nice that Michael Wolff puts his libel lawyer at the top of his acknowledgements page. All in all, "Fire and Fury" is more about Bannon, whom Wolff seems to have spoken to most often, than Trump. Most of the juicy stuff has already been leaked. Less juicy revelations are pretty much self-evident (Bannon suffers from chronic heart failure and edema) or less self-evident but meaningless (Jared and Ivanka hate Kellyanne Conway and helped push her out of all meaningful White House roles). The most amazing stuff sounds like a Bannon-fed lie than what actually happened. (Jared and Ivanka, not Bannon, encouraged Comey's firing? C'mon. The "Let's tear down all the institutions" guy wanted Comey in place while the "Let's stay in the Paris Climate Accord and stay moderate" couple wanted Comey gone? Smh. Wolff should have been a little more dubious about that version of events.) If there is one over-arching theme to this book, it's that you cannot destroy and humiliate people without expecting them to fight back. People with a lack of empathy, like Trump and Bannon, spend their lives treating people with naked cruelty and then act surprised when their victims fight back. Why did Trump think Comey would just slink away after he got fired? Why did the White House think that Spicer, Preibus, Manafort, Bannon, Ailes, Flynn and all the rest wouldn't just go running to the nearest reporter or law enforcement officer after being tossed? Why was Trump surprised that after treating the Obamas like shit for years and women like shit for decades the streets would be flooded with anger and resistance instead of Trump-love after the inauguration? Trump shows why a lack of empathy is deadly for a politician. It not only makes him cruel, it makes him stupid. utterly adrift when his victims, instead of acting like victims, destroy him in the end.