Once again I am cannibalizing old cartoons from my ancient website. The below cartoon and the accompanying paragraph were produced in May, 2011. From start to finish this cartoon was made in under four hours. I drew it on the table of a coffee shop while enjoying an iced blended drink that was coffee or mocha or something like that. It tasted good, that's all that matters.
So this webcomic site has slowed to a standstill... and that is unfortunate. I am so sorry about the multi-month delay, but I have recently come into possession of a very small baby and that kinda eats up my time. If it wasn't for my wonderful, wonderful mother-in-law and sister-in-law I would seriously have no time at all. This joke is an homage to a mix-up I made when I was twelve years old and a couple of earnest Mormons arrived at our front door. My mother and I were very eager, at first, to show off our knowledge of Mormonism... but my mother's only reference was Mark Twain when the great American writer talked about how chivalrous Mormon men were to take multiple wives because Mormon women were easily the ugliest women on the planet. My only reference at the time were the Great Brain books where the narrator was constantly whupping the Mormon kids at school in Salt Lake City. Both my mother and myself soon found ourselves saying "never mind" because- leaving aside the fact that we were not interested in converting to Mormonism- we couldn't talk about it with these nice young men either without being grossly impolite. After the missionaries left I asked my mother why she hadn't mentioned "Ivanhoe." "What does 'Ivanhoe' have to do with Mormons?" she asked. My response, and what followed, pretty much is summarized in the comic. Do enjoy as I and my family fly across the Pacific to Los Angeles tomorrow. By the way, for those of you who love geek jokes about Anglo-Saxon history, getcher selves to www.feudaleffort.com , an amazing comic by my friend Mr. Brian Cannon. Seriously, I can say without bias, that this comic is one of the funniest and most intelligent webcomics on the net today. PS. I'm sure Mormon women are gorgeous. Please remember that Mr. Twain was a famous misanthrope and always game for a bit of verbal nastiness.