Look, everyone knows I tend to rant about Dylan Mulvaney. I’ve done it again and again. I’ve tried to resist, Lord knows. Every time I break away however Dylan uploads something that completely triggers me and I have no choice but to go to Medium and fire off a response. And June 29th 2023 was just the latest instance. Phew. So first of all, on June 29th Dylan Mulvaney posted a TikTok video addressing the “Bud Light” fiasco. “Bud Light,” just for a quick refresher, was a company that tanked its brand by asking Mulvaney to do an ad for the beer. Mulvaney complied, and the backlash was severe. People were so pissed off that a misogynistic clown on Tiktok was given a high-priced brand deal by “Bud Light” that there was a boycott. And this boycott was not like any other boycott. This boycott, astoundingly, actually worked! (Image copyright The New York Times / nytimes.com) Damn Dylan. That’s….. wow. And just like that, Dylan Mulvaney destroyed rainbow capitalism. So “Bud Light” was in a huge bind. It was hemorrhaging billions. If “Bud Light” turned around and condemned Mulvaney, it would be seen as transphobic. And also unfair. I mean, it was “Bud Light’s” decision to hire Mulvaney in the first place. Mulvaney’s misogynistic musical-theater version of “girlhood” was no secret before “Bud Light” decided to drop a massive amount of money into Mulvaney’s account so Mulvaney could film a “Bud Light” ad. But if “Bud Light” doubled down on Dylan Mulvaney, that would just expand the damage. So “Bud Light” released a weird weak statement about supporting LGBTQ people while not explicitly mentioning Mulvaney’s name. Then the beer company basically started giving away its beer for free hoping that people would be grateful enough for the free beer to let bygones be bygones. Oh, and the heads of marketing for “Bud Light” took *cough* an extended “leave of absence.” But they definitely weren’t fired! Nope! So Dylan has been continuing to release videos and fish for brand deals despite being unmasked as marketing poison for any company who dares to send so much as a box of tampons Dylan’s way. And Dylan has been trying, trying, trying to pretend that the whole “Bud Light” fiasco didn’t ruin Pride Month or have wider implications for LGBTQ representation. And it hasn’t really been working. So finally, the last couple of days of Pride Month, Dylan sat down and recorded a video about (SURPRISE!!!) how Dylan Mulvaney was the *actual* victim in this whole “Bud Light” fiasco. It wasn’t the people in “Bud Light” marketing who lost their jobs who were the victims. It wasn’t the company’s stock holders. It wasn’t the employees who may encounter layoffs because of “Bud Light”’s boneheaded decision to hire Mulvaney. No, the only victim was Dylan. Shocked. I am shocked that Dylan Mulvaney declined to perform an ounce of introspection after the “Bud Light” fiasco and instead played the victim. This is my shocked face. Anyway, here’s what Dylan Mulvaney said in the new video: It was a boycott Dylan. It was a boycott because a brand unwisely decided to choose a misogynist to advertise a beer. Dylan, women have tried to warn you that your antics were insulting and misogynistic. Your response has been nothing but condescension, gaslighting and even threats against your critics. You gleefully brigaded your followers and deplatformed smaller female creators on “Tiktok” if those creators dared to criticize you. And now you’ve encountered a backlash you can’t handle. It’s blossomed and you can’t bat your false eyelashes and sweetly ask all the allies yasslighting you in your comments to mass flag the people boycotting “Bud Light.” This is called consequences Dylan. And honestly, it’s a good opportunity to reevaluate your life and wonder why so many people from all stripes of daily life are so angry at you. Ah! Like a weak finger of sunlight piercing through the dark bows of Mirkwood forest, self-reflection finally enters Dylan’s mind! Will this light finally illuminate the necessity for personal accountability for Dylan? I mean, to be fair, I don’t think Dylan was responsible for “Bud Light’s” terrible marketing decision. Dylan was just doing the job “Bud Light” paid Dylan to do. But I *do* think it would have been nice if Dylan used that sense of guilt to reflect on past actions that have made Dylan so unpopular among not just conservatives but feminists, trans women and even a few allies! Why the hell would the brand reach out to you Dylan? Why? The brand owes you nothing besides what they were contractually obligated to pay you! If the check cleared than there was nothing more “Bud Light” needed to do to Dylan. And hell, “Bud Light” was (and still is) in crisis from the moment that Dylan sipped that cold-piss-in-a-can on camera while dressed as Audrey Hepburn. The image that tanked “Bud Light” (Image copyright Dylan Mulvaney/ Instagram) “Bud Light” is trying to extinguish a Canada-sized financial wildfire and Dylan is whimpering that the company never reached out to soothe Dylan’s hurt feelings. I mean, come on. I mentioned earlier in my review of Adult Human Female that there was a totemization of victimhood among trans activists. And frankly, Dylan Mulvaney’s video is a perfect example of that. What is this weird belief that all of society has an obligation to coddle and soothe trans people? “Bud Light” is in financial crisis! They have a responsibility towards their employees, their stockholders and their brand. “Bud Light” does NOT have to publicly stand by the influencer who sent their value spiraling into oblivion in the first place! Dylan, you got paid. Enjoy the money and brainstorm about ways to repair your image. Maybe branch out in something besides endorsements. This emotional manipulation that no trans person must ever take accountability and all trans people must receive 24/7 affirmation needs to stop. People are tired. Hell, trans people are tired. Trans people living their lives offline are tearing their hair out when they see clowns like Dylan encouraging a backlash against a lot of hard-fought progress for LGBTQ rights. What I want to know is, did Dylan reach out to Alissa Heinerscheid and Daniel Blake? Heinerscheid and Blake were the two marketing executives who took a risk and hired a trans influencer to sell a beer to a primarily conservative male customer base. Heinerscheid and Blake took a risk with trans representation and lost heavily. Now they have (allegedly) lost their jobs and their names are permanently associated with tanking a brand in the world of advertising. Did Dylan reach out to those people? No? Only Dylan is allowed to be the victim in this situation? Only Dylan is allowed to demand empathy and hugs? Okay, I thought so. Moving on. And yes, let’s finish off the whole video with a homophobic joke about how masculine lesbians are. Sure. Lovely.
Well, it wouldn’t be a Dylan Mulvaney video without at least a dollop of misogyny. It’s what Mulvaney does. Ick. Alright, rant over. Glad I got that out of my system. Dylan Mulvaney continues to be a poisonous, emotionally manipulative jerk who constantly plays the victim and refuses to take any sort of responsibility. And frankly I am very glad that Mulvaney’s 15 minutes appear to be over. Have a safe 4th of July folks! Drink responsibly and remember that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Cheerio!
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